Monday, August 18, 2014

Overwhelmed x 1000 with a side of Freaking Out

Hey guys! So you guys might be thinking that I suck at this whole blogging about my German exchange but that's really not the case. It's just, I haven't made much progress towards my exchange…in a sense. 

So here's a fill in on what's transpired since my last post:
I've been taking my summer classes so that I could finish my high school graduation requirements (cause let's be honest, no one wants to be a super senior in high school). I initially started out taking Honors English, Honors Calculus and Physical Education (keep in mind that English and Physical Education are the only classes required for seniors in New Jersey.) So here's the thing, I've never taken Pre-Calculus in my life, but I thought it would be brilliant to take continue mathematics tracking by jumping straight into Calculus (WORST CHOICE EVER. DON'T DO WHAT I DID!)

Continuing with my bad decision, I stayed in my Calculus class for a while…about 2 weeks. NOW, before you judge me, understand that I was taking a year's worth of class in a matter of a month and a couple of days, so it was extremely hard to keep up with everything! So, concerning my failure, I was extremely upset with myself, but I got over it in about 2 minutes or a month (it's complicated). So yea, I continued with my other classes and I just finished them about last week (I finished with As in both classes, just saying). I only have one complaint to make and it's about the fitness class: In what world do you have to write essays for a gym class?! Furthermore, in what universe do you write about 2 or 3 essays PER WEEK?! This is ludicrous I tell you, LUDICROUS! 

Any who, during that time, I was basically like a vampire. I basically never left my house cause I so overwhelmed with work that I couldn't even hang out with anyone. Also, I went to sleep around 4am or 5am everyday cause I have this thing where if I start an task or some type of work, I have to finish it, or else it will bug me for the longest and I'll just wake up/get back to doing it. So yea, sleeping at 5am meant waking up around 2 or 3pm. However, I did get out of the house when I went to my friends Sweet 17 (Yes, I said Sweet 17. I know how you feel.) (Btw, I was in her court, equivalent to bridal party, and the search for the clothing was the hardest and most agonizing task, don't even get me started on that issue) But yea, that weekend was basically reserved for my friends because I slept over at my best friend's house they day for the party (I'm over there so much that I'm considered their adopted child. They're awesome). 

Also, I planned on dedicating half of my summer to college visits/college stuff in general. However, due to the fact that most of my visits didn't work with the schedules of my family members, I only went on one and it was to Yale University. Okay, so I'm not that big on Ivy Leagues but my family thinks I'll be accepted into them? (I haven't even taken any subjects so they need to quit.) But yea, I wasn't that sold on Yale until I saw the Chipotle. THEY HAVE A CHIPOTLE AND A QUIDDITCH TEAM. PRAISE. But my interview was very chill and funny and pretty great (Sydney, my interview, is probably gonna be in my list of fashion icons now, awesome fashion sense you guys.) 

Alright, now on to AFS-CBYX issues. I still have not received a host family and I leave for the Departure Orientation in exactly two weeks. So I'm kind of in two realms of feelings:


AND sad because no German family wants me =(

So yea, patiently awaiting for that info because I can't really buy nay clothing items if I don't know where I'm going to live. Like what if I pack all clothing items adequate for winter and fall weather because I think I'll be living in the North, but instead I end up living in the south, and vice versa. Also concerning AFS, we officially finished all our conference calls (CLAPS AND CHEERS ALL AROUND)! 

So now as I get closer to my whole departure date, I have get lots of things done before:

  • I have to get a new suitcase and some new clothing, 
  • I have to finish my college essays/applications and make sure my recommendations are still good.
  • Visit my counselor and make sure everything is set and hand in my health coursework.
  • Try to visit my friends before I leave.
  • I HAVE to practice my German because literally, I am at level ZERO (Well, 0.5, I know some words and phrases, Eine Frau trinkt.) 

So continuing on with my whole summing up my posts with music thing, I've chosen Gravity by John Mayer this time. The song helps me like calm down and put everything in perspective and not be so overwhelmed, I guess. So yea, John Mayer, YAY! 

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